Operation register_invitee

The operation of registration of a new user.

New users will receive email notifications about registration containing passwords for their accounts and other information for authentication.

Query parameters

Parameter Value
operation register_invitee
login <User name>
token <TOKEN>. Obtained after invoking get_token.
encrypted_password Encrypted password. It is obtained after user password RSA encryption with the use of a public exponent and the modulus obtained in invoking the get_token operation.
invitee_loginNew user's login.
invitee_emailNew user's email address.
invitee_nicknameNew user's nickname.
invitee_mobileNew user's phone number (optional).

See also

Response in the CSV format


Line No. Data format


Value Description
<invitee_login>New user's login
<invitee_email>The number of the first record in the generated result set (starting with 0)
<invitee_nickname>New user's nickname

Response examples

JSON (recommended format, please set x-response-format=json header)

    "code": 0,
    "message": "",
    "data": {
        "username": "sampleuser204",
        "email": "sampleuser204@yopmail.com",
        "nickname": "samplenickname204"


API Capitalist